We’re an agribusiness and technology company
built around smallholder farmer communities across the world, providing sustainable wellness and nutrition to
like-minded customers globally 

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One-third of the world’s 7.3 billion people are smallholder farmers. They produce 80% of all the food consumed worldwide grown on 60% of the arable land on the planet. That’s a lot of responsibility in the hands of people who aren’t empowered to make a difference. It’s time to change that.


Our Mission

To bring fairness, dignity and innovation into the consumption cycle. 



You know the phrase, “Just get it done, I don’t care how”?

It’s the opposite of everything we stand for.

How something gets done is more important than getting it done.

Of course, we’ll find ways to get that something done.

That’s just plain business sense.

But only if it’s fair to everyone and everything that it touches.

Fair to the 2.5 billion smallholder farmers who produce 80% of the food in the world.

So they won’t have to struggle to put a second meal on their own table.

Fair to the planet that hosts us and grows the food we need to survive.

So each individual plot of farm is managed sustainably and without toxic chemicals.

Fair to the 7.3 billion people who consume that food.

So their bodies are nourished correctly and their hearts are full because they know that farmers are being treated justly.

For us, fairness means leaving something better than how we found it.

Even if it means upending systems established by the previous industrial order.

Even if it means ignoring established processes and inventing new ones.

Even if it occasionally means lesser margins for us in some situations.

Always believing that deep inside, people want to be fair to each other.

Always using technology as a catalyst for all of the above.

We believe that getting ahead can happen without pushing somebody else back.

Because when you focus on “how” you do things, the “what” becomes better.

The how matters.


Tier 1 Grow


Tier 1 Grow

farms and sources crops, dairy produce, fishery and poultry products from a majority of smallholder farmers using methods that help sustain the local ecosystem and community, with cutting edge agricultural and animal husbandry practices with certifications like Rain Forest Alliance and Global G.A.P. along with total traceability all the way back to the farm 

Tier 1 After


Tier 1 After

extends the value of commodities by using safe and clean methods to store, extract and preserve. This value-add applies to not just food but floral products too, for the nutraceutical, wellness and fragrance industries. This would encompass natural extracts, colors and active ingredients 

Tier 1 Digital


Tier 1 Digital

is focused on traceability and quality assurance of crops, and other agri-supply chains, by building ERPs, IoTs, blockchain protocols and other modules that monitor products throughout the supply chain all the way from seeds in the ground to the mouths of end-consumers. Smallholder farmers are simultaneously educated to become digitally literate in technologies relevant to their processes. Go to Tier 1 Digital site 

Tier 1 Vital


Tier 1 Vital

creates natural formulations that are integrated into existing food and drinks to enhance the nutrition, wellness and recovery of end-users. With our partner, Meraclus, we create products focused on the concept of "Food as Medicine." These fortifiers and finished products improve the overall health of consumers due to the use of “evidence based, targeted functional nutritionals" 



Tier 1 Foundation

is dedicated to improving the lot of smallholder farmer communities by impacting their families through entrepreneurship, education, housing, reliable energy, clean water, natal and senior care  


Shyam Mohan Founder & CEO


Shyam Mohan Founder & CEO

"Connecting the food you consume
to where it comes from makes
the world more wholesome."

Full Bio  

Sujesh Govindan Co-Founder & CTO


Sujesh Govindan Co-Founder & CTO

"Technology can improve
the taste of food and the
lives of those who grow it."

Full Bio  

Arun Nemali Co-Founder & CMO


Arun Nemali Co-Founder & CMO

"Any food you put in your
mouth has a story of the
person who grew it."

Full Bio  

Sridar Swamy Co-Founder & Director


Sridar SwamyCo-Founder & Director

“For something to make
business sense it also has
to make human sense.”

Full Bio  

Tier 1 Network is recently born and growing fast.
Same goes for this site.
Please check back soon to see our progress 

To connect with our executive team, please
email shyam@tier1network.co
